WOD & More
Here’s come September!
Hey guys! I'll be back in more of the classes this week! 12 Days out of surgery and I feel as Mr. Wallace says "pretty f*^&ing far from OK" but I'm not all that bad 🙂 I should get the cast off Wednesday, and then we'll get to see what the damage actually is. Brent's...
Yet another crazy week in Crossfit!
Big thanks for all the well wishing and support that you guys gave me last week, it really helped. Special shout out to the Friday night class, it really helped to see you guys! This week I'll be taking it really easy and I hope to be able to do more next week. Big...
Easy post this week
Sorry for not posting more guys, it's late, long week. If you haven't been paying attention to the Games, it's been uniquely terrible this year. Look it up. I'll be back in the gym Monday, happy to be home and happy to be with you all again. Bests, Jesse Don't worry...
Gym Blog (aka Jesse’s Rants)
Tom Corrigan
"Have kettlebell will travel" I love it. We're bringin' Tom to Local's. Let's show him the love, I've worked out a great deal for our members to attend his classes and really get some time to focus on the technique. We spend a lot of time programming how to improve...
Muscular Dystrophy Lock-up
Alright, alright. Someone called the dogs on me. I know it happened at Arnie's in Edmonds, so my list is rather short of people it might be... Either way. The challenge has been raised, on Halloween I need to have raised $1300, that's right $1300 in order to "post...
Scanner Party!!
Lars Oquist, area expert and anti-oxidant guru will be presenting on "Anti-oxidant Importance", which may not sound that cool. But when you think about the main reason for sickness, aging and major health problems being oxidative stress, and yeah, the anti part in...