Hey guys, this might look like a boring workout, but trust me, if done properly (by your intensity and self-monitoring of technique/perseverance of being hardcore about it) it’s always a winner 🙂

4 Rounds each for time:
800m Run
Rest 2:00 minutes between!

Rowing and biking are wonderful options, and the ski erg (ooofgh) a good goal for the 800m is under 4:00 (4 minutes), each time. This can be used as a pacing objective for sure, rather than SENDING IT on the first run and seeing how well that works out (not well!).

Carrie, the boys and I are coming home Tuesday, and I’ll be in the gym Wednesday the first all day 🙂 John, like two ships passing in the night will be leaving on the 1st (wish him well!!) for a few weeks to be wed, and to relax, and then he’ll return to the grindstone on or about the 21st of September (Peace Day, how fitting), so be ready for Jesse and Carrie to be back in the mix big time to make up for his absence (albeit excused 🙂 with super fun awesome workouts and witty banter.