Hey guys!

Something when boom, on my auto scheduler :/ That’s what I get for sleeping in on a day off, super sorry.


The workout:

Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of:

12 Swings with something appropriate (like a KB Swing)

18 Double Unders (Single Unders or Jump and Taps)

24 Mountain Climbers (oh boy 🙂


Double Unders are on a Jump Rope 😉



Warm-up: It should have plenty of hip stuff in it for flexibility: like Qi gong, or bandy stretchy stuff, maybe both and some good mornings, walking good mornings, and maybe some of those with a band too 🙂 A good series of calf raises to get the blood pumping in there and some work in the push-up position (shoulder taps, runner’s stretch, with a twist too, and chest circles is probably smart) then talk moves and blast into it!



Remember this ole’ standby 🙂

Row 500m 4x Rest as needed.

The rest should be around 7 minutes each round I figure.