Here we go guys!
A couple things, the Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run info is posted on the Gym Blog, and deets are in the gym, but suffice it to say, email me if you want to go have a great time “running” through the jungle with 100’s of kids and all kinds of peeps helping to raise money for the Keala Foundation and all the CrossFit Poipu kids work they’re doing. Very cool stuff. Email me!
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/33
30 Pull-ups
Power Snatch for Max 3
Karen!! Finally!!
For time:
150 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
GHD Skills Session
Pistol practice
Legless Rope Climb Practice
Strict pull-up or muscle up practice
Friday: 19.3
Saturday: Always subject to change based on 19.3 🙂
Ring Dip for 3 rep max and all upper body accessories
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