Tickets for the EnduroCross


Monday: “Jerry” For time: Run 1 mile Row 2K Run 1 mile

Tuesday: For time: 3 rope climbs, 6 power cleans 205/145, 9 HSPU’s 4” deficit, 12 skin the cats, 9 deficit HSPU’s, 6 power cleans, 3 rope climbs

Wednesday: Max weighted pull-up, “Annie”

Thursday: “Christine” 3 rounds for time 12 dead’s bodyweight, 21 box jumps 24/20, 500m row

Friday: 10 to 1 of military presses at 135/95 and 2 to 20 wall ball shots 20/14 for time

Saturday: Teams of 4: Share as a team, two people working at a time: 200 burpees, 200 GHD SIt-ups, 200 calories on the rower boom!