Here you go team!

Monday: Lumberjack 20

Tuesday: 40/30/20/10 Power Cleans 75/55 and Wall Ball Shots 20/14

Wednesday: 2 Rounds Tabata Ring Dips, 1 minute for 2 Squat Snatches, 4 Rounds for Reps and combined weight of all the snatches

Thursday: Fight Gone Bad Style: KB See-saw Rows in the GHD’s 53/35, Kipping Pull-ups, Box Jumps 24/20, DB Push Presses 40/25, 4 Rounds for Max Reps

Friday: 10 Rounds for Quality: 30 Second Handstand Hold, 30 Second L-hang, 30 Second Hollow Rock, 30 Second Bottom Overhead Squat w/PVC

Saturday: Power Clean for Max 3